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  • 25 Best Motivational Books for 2023

25 Best Motivational Books for 2023

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Are you feeling stuck in a rut and unsure how to move forward in your personal or professional life? These issues happen to the best of us, but the good news is that there are plenty of resources out there to help us get back on track. One of the most powerful tools in our arsenal? Motivational books.

Whether you’re looking for practical advice, inspiring stories, or a deep dive into human behavior, there’s a motivational book out there that’s perfect for you. In this article, we’ve put together a list of the best motivational books for 2023 to help you cultivate a growth mindset and a renewed sense of purpose.

Must-Read Motivational Books

The image says "must-read motivational books" and shows an infographic with the top rated inspirational books.

When it comes to choosing a motivational book to read, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. There are so many different genres and styles to choose from. What works for one person may not resonate with another.

First and foremost, it’s important to think about your personal interests and preferences. Do you find inspiration in stories of successful people, or do you prefer a deep dive into the science of human behavior and personal growth?

It’s also worth considering any specialized religious or spiritual beliefs you may hold, as certain genres  might really resonate with you but not with others. Above all, keep in mind that the best motivational book for you is one that speaks to you on a personal level and offers actionable advice that you can apply to your own life.

Here are five motivational books that offer practical advice and inspiring stories that can apply to a wide range of readers.

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Atomic Habits offers a step-by-step guide to building good habits and breaking bad ones. James Clear draws on neuroscience and psychology research to offer actionable advice that can help readers make lasting changes in their lives.

Get the book:Buy on Amazon

Learn more about the author: James Clear’s website

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

First published in 1989, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has become a classic in the self-help genre. Stephen Covey presents a holistic approach to personal growth and productivity that focuses on developing good habits and values.

Get the book: Buy on Amazon

Learn more about the author: Stephen Covey’s website

You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero

In her 2013 New York Times Best Seller, You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life, Jen Sincero offers a witty and irreverent take on the self-help genre. With humor and relatable anecdotes, she encourages readers to let go of self-doubt and take action toward their goals.

Get the book:Buy on Amazon

Learn more about the author: Jen Sincero’s website

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

In Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert offers insights and inspiration on the creative process. Whether you’re an artist or simply looking to infuse more creativity into your daily life, Gilbert’s book encourages readers to embrace their curiosity and take risks.

Get the book: Buy on Amazon

Learn more about the author: Elizabeth Gilbert’s website

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

A timeless classic, The Alchemist tells the story of a shepherd boy who embarks on a journey of self-discovery. Paulo Coelho’s novel offers a powerful message about following your dreams and trusting in the universe to guide you.

Get the book: Buy on Amazon

Learn more about the author: Paulo Coelho’s website

Motivational Books for Women: Self-Help and Success

The image says "motivational books for women" and shows an infographic of inspirational books for women.

Certain motivational books can be especially impactful for women who are looking to overcome challenges and achieve their goals. Women face unique obstacles in society, such as cultural expectations, the demands of motherhood, and gender bias.

In this section, we will explore some of the best motivational books for women — written by women who understand the challenges that women face and provide actionable advice and strategies to overcome them.

Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg

In Lean In, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg encourages women to pursue their ambitions and strive for leadership roles in their careers. Drawing from her own experiences as well as from research, Sandberg offers practical advice for women to overcome barriers and biases that can hold them back in the workplace.

Get the book: Buy on Amazon

Learn more about the author: Sheryl Sandberg’s website

The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance – What Women Should Know by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman

In The Confidence Code, journalists Katty Kay and Claire Shipman explore the reasons why many women lack confidence in their abilities, and offer practical strategies for building confidence and overcoming self-doubt. Drawing from interviews with successful women in a range of fields as well as from research, Kay and Shipman present a compelling case for why confidence is essential for success.

Get the book: Buy on Amazon

Learn more about the authors: Katty Kay’s and Claire Shipman’s website

Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand In the Sun, and Be Your Own Person by Shonda Rhimes

In Year of Yes, television producer and writer, Shonda Rhimes describes how saying “yes” to new experiences and opportunities transformed her life. Rhimes shares personal anecdotes and insights about the importance of stepping out of one’s comfort zone and taking risks in order to grow and achieve success.

Get the book: Buy on Amazon

Learn more about the author: Shonda Rhimes’ website

Untamed by Glennon Doyle

In Untamed, author and activist, Glennon Doyle offers candid reflections on her own life and experiences in order to encourage women to embrace their authentic selves and live with courage and confidence. Doyle shares stories about motherhood, marriage, and personal growth, challenging traditional expectations and norms along the way.

Get the book:Buy on Amazon

Learn more about the author: Glennon Doyle’s website

Girl, Stop Apologizing: A Shame-Free Plan for Embracing and Achieving Your Goals by Rachel Hollis

In Girl, Stop Apologizing, author and motivational speaker Rachel Hollis offers a step-by-step plan for setting and achieving goals, with a focus on empowering women to pursue their dreams without hesitation or self-doubt. Drawing from her own experiences as well as from research and interviews, Hollis illustrates powerful strategies for women to wholly embrace their authentic selves and strive for greatness on their own terms.

Get the book: Buy on Amazon

Learn more about the author: Rachel Hollis’ website

Helpful Books for Career Advice and Personal Finance

The image says "helpful books for career advice and personal finance" and shows an infographic of money and business-related motivational books.

Many people have similar questions about career paths, job satisfaction, and financial planning and everyone’s journey to seek answers looks different. Motivational books on career advice and personal finance can offer valuable insights and practical tips for those seeking guidance.

Inspirational books can provide readers with the tools and confidence to pursue their passions, negotiate better salaries, and develop effective strategies for long-term financial stability.

These books offer advice on topics such as investing, debt management, and entrepreneurship, making them great resources for anyone looking to build long-term financial resilience. Here are a few great titles to consider.

Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! by Robert Kiyosaki

This classic, Rich Dad Poor Dad, is a widely popular book on personal finance and wealth-building. Kiyosaki shares his personal experiences growing up with two dads, who, through their contrasting financial philosophies gave Kiyosaki valuable insights on how to change one’s mindset about money and build wealth through investments and passive income. This book is perfect for anyone who wants to learn how to manage their finances and build long-term wealth.

Get the book: Buy on Amazon

Learn more about the author: Robert Kiyosaki’s website

The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America’s Wealthy by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko

The Millionaire Next Door is another classic finance-focused book that offers insights into the habits and behaviors of self-made millionaires. The authors Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko conducted extensive research on the wealthy in the United States and found that many of them had obtained their wealth through frugal living and smart financial planning. This book provides practical advice for those who want to build wealth and achieve financial independence.

Get the book: Buy on Amazon

Learn more about the authors: Thomas J. Stanley’s website, William D. Danko’s website

The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses by Eric Ries

In The Lean Startup, entrepreneur and author, Eric Ries, provides a revolutionary approach to building and growing a startup. Ries shows readers how to test their ideas quickly and effectively, and how to pivot and adapt based on feedback from customers and the market. This book is perfect for anyone who is interested in starting their own business or wants to learn how to innovate within their current organization.

Get the book: Buy on Amazon

Learn more about the author: Eric Ries’ website

The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness by Dave Ramsey

In The Total Money Makeover, financial expert Dave Ramsey provides a step-by-step plan for getting out of debt, building wealth, and achieving financial freedom. Ramsey’s advice is practical and straightforward, and he shares real-life success stories to inspire readers to take control of their finances. This book is perfect for anyone who wants to improve their financial situation and achieve long-term financial stability.

Get the book: Buy on Amazon

Learn more about the author: Dave Ramsey’s website

I Will Teach You to Be Rich, Second Edition: No Guilt. No Excuses. Just a 6-Week Program That Works by Ramit Sethi

I Will Teach You to Be Rich is a practical personal finance guide that provides step-by-step advice on how to build wealth and achieve financial success. Sethi breaks down complex financial concepts into simple, actionable steps and provides strategies for budgeting, saving, and investing. This book is perfect for those looking to improve their financial literacy and take control of their finances.

Get the book: Buy on Amazon

Learn more about the author: Ramit Sethi’s website

Spiritual and Mental Health Books

The image says "spiritual and mental health books" and shows an infographic with self-help motivational books.

Whether you’re dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, or simply seeking guidance and inspiration for your spiritual and mental health, self-help books can be a powerful resource. Here are a few titles that offer practical advice, exercises, and techniques for achieving self-awareness. These books offer a way to connect with something larger than oneself, explore existential questions, and find a sense of purpose and meaning in life.

Mental health can also be improved and complemented with fun ways to exercise and staying healthy.

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams by Deepak Chopra

In this book, Chopra explores seven spiritual laws that govern success and how to apply them to one’s life. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success underlines the importance of mindfulness, intention, and detachment to achieve success and improve mental and emotional well-being. It also includes practical exercises and techniques to help readers integrate these laws into their daily lives.

Get the book: Buy on Amazon

Learn more about the author: Deepak Chopra’s website

A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose by Eckhart Tolle

In this book, Tolle offers practical advice on how to overcome negative thought patterns and awaken to one’s true life purpose, as a path to improve mental and emotional well-being. A New Earth emphasizes the importance of being present and fully engaged in the present moment and includes practical exercises to help readers cultivate mindfulness.

Get the book: Buy on Amazon

Learn more about the author: Eckhart Tolle’s website

The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz

This book offers practical advice on how to transform negative thought patterns into positive ones by following four key agreements. The agreements include being impeccable with one’s word, not taking anything personally, not making assumptions, and always doing one’s best. The Four Agreements emphasizes the importance of personal freedom and self-awareness to improve mental and emotional well-being.

Get the book: Buy on Amazon

Learn more about the author: Don Miguel Ruiz’s website

The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure by James Redfield

James Redfield’s novel, The Celestine Prophecy, explores spiritual growth and personal development through a fictional story that follows a man on a journey to Peru to learn about the nine insights of spiritual awakening. The book emphasizes the importance of synchronicity, intuition, and positive energy to achieve personal growth and spiritual fulfillment.

Get the book: Buy on Amazon

Learn more about the author: James Redfield’s website

The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael A. Singer

In this book, Singer explores the concept of inner peace and how to achieve it through mindfulness and self-awareness. The Untethered Soul emphasizes the importance of letting go of negative thoughts and emotions to achieve a state of inner calm and balance. It also includes practical exercises and techniques to help readers cultivate mindfulness and self-awareness.

Get the book: Buy on Amazon

Learn more about the author: Michael A. Singer’s website

Helpful Books for Getting and Staying Organized

The image says "helpful books for getting and staying organized" and shows an infographic of organization and motivational books.

Getting organized and staying that way is an essential life skill that can lead to numerous benefits. When we’re organized, we can reduce stress, increase productivity, and achieve our goals more efficiently. Whether you freelance or work in more traditional environments, being organized can help you stay focused, meet deadlines, and manage projects. Additionally, being organized can benefit your mental health by reducing stress and anxiety, and helping you maintain healthy relationships with your children and colleagues.

There are many motivational books that offer advice and tips on how to get and stay organized. From decluttering your home to managing your time more efficiently, these books can help you achieve a more organized and stress-free life.

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo

Marie Kondo’s bestseller, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, has become a cultural phenomenon for its practical advice on how to declutter and organize your home. The book emphasizes the importance of only keeping items that spark joy and teaches readers how to fold clothes, store belongings, and create a clutter-free environment.

Get the book: Buy on Amazon

Learn more about the author: Marie Kondo’s website

The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload by Daniel J. Levitin

In The Organized Mind, cognitive psychologist Daniel J. Levitin explains the science behind how our brains process information and how we can optimize our cognitive abilities for productivity and organization. He offers practical advice on how to create a clutter-free environment, manage distractions, and improve focus.

Get the book: Buy on Amazon

Learn more about the author: Daniel J. Levitin’s website

Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen

Getting Things Done is a productivity classic that offers a step-by-step method for organizing your work and personal life. David Allen’s approach, known as the “GTD method,” emphasizes capturing all your ideas and tasks in a reliable system, breaking them down into manageable pieces, and prioritizing them for action.

Get the book: Buy on Amazon

Learn more about the author: David Allen’s website

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg

This book explores the science behind habits and how they impact our daily lives. The Power of Habit offers practical advice on how to change bad habits and cultivate good ones by focusing on the habit loop — cue, routine, reward — and creating new habits that align with our values and goals.

Get the book: Buy on Amazon

Learn more about the author: Charles Duhigg’s website

Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown

In his book Essentialism, Greg McKeown emphasizes the importance of focusing on essential tasks and cutting out non-essential ones to improve productivity and reduce stress. McKeown argues that people often spread themselves too thin and take on too many tasks, resulting in mediocre results across the board. Instead, he suggests that individuals should focus on what is truly important and necessary in order to achieve extraordinary results in the areas that truly matter.

Get the Book: Buy on Amazon

Learn more about the author: Greg McKeown’s website

Final Thoughts

We hope you’ve found some helpful recommendations from this comprehensive list of motivational books. From improving your finances to deepening your relationships with others, these books have been selected for their ability to inspire and motivate lasting change.

Reading motivational and self-help books can provide numerous benefits, including increased productivity, self-awareness, and personal growth. These books can help you develop better habits, overcome obstacles, and gain a more positive outlook on life.

We encourage you to start taking small steps today! By selecting just one book to read from this list, you can become more motivated and effective in achieving your goals.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to become a proofreader from home, check out our FREE workshop video. And for more daily motivation, freelancing tips, and fun, be sure to follow our Instagram page.

And if you’re looking for that extra boost of inspiration, hear what our students and graduates have said about starting a new career and supporting themselves financially. Onward!

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  1. Thanks for the great suggestions! I’ve only read a couple on this list.

    I’d like to add Essentialism by Greg McKeown. It’s a great book for those of us who tend to have LOTS of things going on (business ideas, social commitments, etc).

    As a multi-passionate idea person, I found it helped me to focus and cut out the clutter in my life that leaves me feeling overwhelmed.

    1. Hi, Susan! Thanks for the great suggestion! Many people can definitely benefit from a book like that. 🙂

  2. The book that has changed heaps of things for me in the last little while is ” Switch on Your Brain” by Dr Caroline Leaf.

  3. This is a great book to read:
    Liberate Yourself: Your past is not your prison by Luz Avila-Kyncl available in Amazon. It about helping people breaking the chains of bad habits, trauma suffering and dysfunction. It also empowers and motivates people to improve their lives

    1. Thanks for sharing your recommendation! It sounds like a good one. 🙂

  4. Rich Dad Poor Dad was gifted to me and I have yet to read it. Thank you for sharing all of this with us! Please add me to your group! @justaregularmommy

  5. Thank you for sharing. I found it very helpful. sometimes it is confusing which book to read.

  6. Think and Grow Rich is one of my favourite books I also recommended others to buy this book and start growing like a Moon.

  7. Great list, thank you for sharing! I highly recommend The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. This book has been a true game-changer for me!

  8. who moved my cheese i love this book i read it when i need to get my head straightened out

  9. thank you for the reading list. I got stuck over the simplest thing. I was confused over making a verb plural or singular. I assumed adding s or es made a word plural. I took an English grammar course to find the opposite. I will be getting back to reviewing all I have gone through, then moving forward. I got frustrated and thought I could not get through the course. I feel differently now. I researched and took an online English course. Worked well.

    Reading Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg

  10. What book do I put on the list?! My first favorite right now is "My Stroke of Insight; A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey".
    She has written another book called "Whole Brain Living" (which I have not read).
    Part of it is that she's a brain anatomist who had a stroke when she was 36 (?).
    I had a stroke during a brain surgery (second craniotomy) about three years ago. During this time I had no one that could help me out with the courses my brain was taking. Luckily, I found someone who had this book and it helped me enormously. It has helped me find things on one side of my head with the opposite that's on the other side. Hard to explain…
    But it's helped me become a good proofreader.
    Read the book. It's a short non-fiction with a ton of information.
    That's all I have for now!
    -Kelly Evan

    1. Thanks so much. This reminds me of my old self. And I need me right now – you saved a soul.

  11. I like your options
    The Alchemimist
    The Bible of Prosperity is a good awesome book

  12. What a great list! Big Magic ???? is a book I've read and enjoyed. I've added The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure to my reading list. I'm, currently, reading The Serendipity Mindset, and I feel The Celestine Prophecy book will complement it nicely.

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